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WordPress is arguably simply the most popular Content Management System (CMS) ever designed.  It is an open source program.  In layman’s terms, what that means is that the program itself was originally coded (written) by a group of individuals that wanted to collaborate and write superior software in the public domain, rather than developing it, and selling it for huge profits.  It started that way, and it remains that way today.  It is still supported by individuals that want to see it continually improve and evolve and be the best that it can be.

What is Content Management System (CMS)?  Simply stated, it means that it allows the developer or website owner to concentrate on creating content for the website, rather than spending all the time and effort to work on the code “behind the scenes”.  The CMS (WordPress in this case) handles all (or most of ) the details of creating the code for the individual web pages and generates the pages dynamically, on-the-fly, sending the resulting code to the viewer’s browser.  It also creates a “database” of all the individual content that is on the website, including text, pictures, graphics, etc., and manages it all transparently behind the scenes.

WordPress was originally designed for bloggers that wanted a simple way of creating interactive message threads.  They wanted a simple way of interactively messaging back and forth with each other in an organized manner.  This is one of WordPress’s strong suits.  But over the years, this feature has morphed into so much more.

Another great feature of WordPress is its’ ability to add “plugins”.  These are “modules” that add to the capabilities of the basic WordPress program, without actually modifying the program itself.  In the old days of website developing, when you built a website, every new feature you wanted, for example, a contact form that e-mailed the response to you, had to be custom-programmed.  Every change had to be re-programmed.  Not very efficient, and it was time consuming and very costly.  Because of the nature of WordPress and its’ design and its’ support base, there is likely to be a module (plugin) already existing that will do close to what you want it to do.

So what does this mean to you?  It means that YOU don’t have to have a degree in computer science in order to work on your own website (if you want to).

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