I have said for a long time that social media is only a portion of your overall marketing strategy. Social media does not replace your web site, direct marketing campaigns, or even your advertising programs. It should compliment them. They all come together to form a comprehensive marketing strategy that should be tailored for your market, clients and target audience.

Most experts agree that social media should be combined with your marketing content management programs. I’ll describe what that means to you in a minute. Evidence also exists that the best way to generate leads (which is really the whole purpose of Marketing, if you convert those leads into additional sales) is to get back to one-on-one personal interaction with with your existing clients, and to generate referrals from those clients.

Most of you would say “Duh, of course.” My question to you is “then why do most businesses not focus more on the positive relationships that they have spend time and money developing?”

How does this apply to social media marketing? Statistics exist that one should not primarily use social media to generate leads, and it should not appear that way on your social media site. Really, that is what you web site is for.

Here’s how to properly focus your social media site. First, if you want to start a “buzz” about a topic, start it verbally with your existing clients, through your sales force, personal speaking engagements, professional associations, videos on your web site, video sites and even on your social sites, and then ask your clients to participate on your social media sites with their input and experiences. If you post all the content on your social sites yourself, then it really is nothing more than another web site. That take the whole “social” out of the process.

Integrating your marketing content into your social sites is great, but do it judiciously, and don’t let it become blatant marketing.

If you are responding to your clients or potential clients questions and comments, then you will likely be viewed as responsive and helpful. But it it’s just another place for pure marketing, you will likely not have much interaction. People don’t want to be sold all the time. They just want friendly, accurate advice and help.

Invest in relationships with your existing clients and business relationships. They will keep the leads coming in. That continues to be your best source for leads, and it’s based on a good reputation. Isn’t that where we really need to be anyway?

If business is slow, and you’ve fully explored your current client database, does that mean that nobody is buying your products or services any longer, or are you just not getting your share of the market? That’s a whole different topic of conversation, saved for another day.

Allen Beck
AKOR Services
Marketing and Creative help for your business!
(503) 427-8553