mar·ket·ing, noun, märkitiNG: The action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.

Marketing, of all types, has become a much-maligned term in modern society, and it is the fault of the media and businesses in general. I’ll explain more, but let me offer this defense. Reputable (and responsible) marketing, by definition, is an essential part of business.

By definition, you cannot do business without marketing your products and services. All businesses do marketing in some manner. Every business for profit is selling something. No exception. They are attempting to persuade you to purchase their products or services. Even individuals market themselves or their position. Three examples. The person looking for a job is marketing them self to prospective employers. Politicians are marketing them self if they are seeking election, or support for their political agenda. Children learn how to market their desires to their parents at an early age.

Traditional marketing is what businesses do to attract customers. It includes such things as web sites, brochures, social media, direct mail, video, advertising, brochures, trade shows, contests, etc.

“Our agenda is that marketing is an honorable profession that is really all about connecting people. Its all about connecting sellers with buyers through legitimate techniques.” Allen Beck, Owner, AKOR Services

It is really the media that has put a bad spin on marketers, although sometimes deserved, due to the questionable marketing techniques of some companies on all sides of the marketing fence. Many times, companies do a disservice to themselves, their customer base and to business in general by trying to discredit other companies by building themselves up in the eyes of the potential customer, at the expense of competition or alternative marketing strategies.

At AKOR Services, we offer responsible marketing with integrity that produces positive results. Call us today to get started with your new marketing program.

Allen Beck

AKOR Services

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