After many years of working for other people, making their businesses successful, I’ve come to a lot of realizations.  Here are just a couple.

First, it’s not the day-to-day business that excites me.  It’s the creativity required of the start-up operation, or helping an established organization make changes.  It’s the creativity of new marketing collateral’s, videos, copy-writing, graphics, etc that gets my creative juices flowing.  It’s the ever-changing world of Marketing that I enjoy.  I’ve realized that this is where my focus needs to be;  in the creative aspects of business.

Second, after years of working in all types of businesses (government, public and private sectors), and at all levels of management, I’ve noticed some things.

  • Owners will invariably do things that are not healthy for their business.
  • Many don’t take sound advice from “employees” because of their egos.
  • Some owners use their business as their own personal “bank”.
  • Owners never look out for an employee the way they do themselves, no matter what they say or promise.
  • It amazes me how sales organizations don’t take marketing seriously.
  • When Marketing is a full-time job (to be done correctly), how can success happen when there is not a full-time Marketing person?

I don’t mean that to sound bitter.  Instead, that brought me to the realization that I don’t want to be part of somebody else’s organization and have to sit back and watch them make the same mistakes, over and over again.  That just leads to frustrations for everybody.

Instead, I envision my own positive organization (AKOR Services) that actually helps businesses with their Marketing needs.  We focus 100% of our attention to “all things Marketing”.  We focus on our clients Marketing needs so that they can focus on their day-to-day operations.

So after 31+ years of business experience, we’re hanging out our shingle and saying “We want to help your business with your Marketing needs.”

This blog site is to serve as a “sounding board” for marketing concepts of all types.  I hope it helps you.  It will take a while to get it up and running, and to be useful.  Right now, the structure is here, but there is a lot of content to get in place.  In the interim, visit our web site at, and let us know how we can assist you in becoming your Marketing partner today!