AKOR Services Travel Client Interview – TRIP INFORMATION

This form will gather the basic information needed for travel.  By continuing, you will begin answering a series of questions that will be required to complete a travel booking with AKOR Services Travel.  This entire process may require 30 minutes to complete.
NO CREDIT CARD, ID OR PASSPORT INFORMATION SHOULD BE ENTERED HERE ON THIS FORM.  We will gather that information from you separately (and privately) in order to complete the booking.
Optionally, AKOR Services Travel can send you a paper form to complete manually, to return to us, or we are happy to take this information over the phone
Please continue with the form when you are ready to proceed.
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Step 1 of 4

Group Leader Information

This is the main contact making decisions for the trip, no matter whether they are traveling with the trip or not.  This may be an individuvual, family member, business employee or an organization or special group member.

Group Leader Name
This will be the main contact for this trip. This information applies only for the person leading or arranging this trip or travel.
If this is an individual or family, please enter a name for the trip (for reference only). If this is a business, group or organization, please enter that name.
Please select yes or no only.